Thurrock Local Safeguarding Childrens Partnership (TLSCP) training brochure details all the learning and development events that are on offer through to December 2023.
- Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
- Contextual Safeguarding Training – Safeguarding Against Harm Outside of the Family Home
- Domestic Abuse and Stalking Awareness
- Gangs, Exploitation and Serious Youth Violence
- Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2)
- Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Safeguarding Children and Young People affected by Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse
- Supporting Staff Wellbeing
- Think Family Training
- Trauma Informed Practice Training
- Visiting Thurrock Refuge
- Working Effectively with Children in Situations of Neglect
- Awareness Raising Session for Parents and Carers to Increase Knowledge of Gangs and Child Criminal Exploitation
- Transitions and Exploitation webinar
- Vicarious and Secondary Trauma and Staff Wellbeing Training for client facing staff
- Anti racist practice webinar
- Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher Training
- Safer Recruitment Training
- Designated Safeguarding Leads Initial Training – 2 day course
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Training – Level 2/3
- Managing Allegations Against Staff – the role of the education setting
To find out more information or to book a course, please visit the Learning Hub on the LSCP website.