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Mate Crime

Mate Crime – What is it?

Mate Crime is when someone who says that they are your friend takes advantage of you, making you feel bad or hurting you. They might make you do things that you don’t like, for example committing crime, taking part in sexual activity, asking you to pay for a lot of things, or using your home for crime.

Mate Crime usually starts off feeling like a nice friendship, so it can be difficult to spot at first.

You might be feel scared and confused about what to do about it.

Friends should not make you feel uncomfortable, hurt, or bully you. If you think this is happening to you or someone you know then speak to someone you trust like family or support worker.

To raise a concern call 01375 511000 or report it to the Police.

This short video, made by Volunteering Matters helps to explain what Mate Crime is.

Hate crime is when you are victimised by strangers. Mate Crime is done by someone you know.


For advice and support:

Mate Crime concerns can be reported by a third party.

Stop Hate UK helpline: 0800 138 1625 – free 24 hour helpline

Essex Police: 101 – non-emergency calls

Call 999 in an emergency such as when a crime is in progress, a life is in danger or violence is being used or threatened.


Stop Hate UK

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